




        譯者:金鳳(phoenix_jin take.a.bow@263.net)




        Network Working Group R. Baldwin

        Request for Comments: 2040 RSA Data Security, Inc.

        Category: Informational R. Rivest

        MIT Laboratory for Computer Science

        and RSA Data Security, Inc.

        October 1996


        ( RFC2040 ——The RC5, RC5-CBC, RC5-CBC-Pad, and RC5-CTS Algorithms )


        本文檔講述了一種Internet社區的Internet標準跟蹤協議,它需要進一步進行討論和建議以得到改進。請參考最新版的“Internet正式協議標準” (STD1)來獲得本協議的標準化程度和狀態。本備忘錄的發布不受任何限製。


        Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001).


        1.實現概述 2

        2.總覽 3

        3.術語和符號 3

        4. RC5密鑰的描述 4

        4.1 創建一個RC5密鑰 4

        4.2 銷毀一個RC5密鑰 5

        4.3 設置一個RC5密鑰 5

        5.設置一個RC5密鑰 6

        5.1 初始常量定義 7

        5.2 接口定義 7

        5.3 轉換密鑰從字節到字 8

        5.4 初始化擴展密鑰表 8

        5.5 混合密鑰 8

        6. RC5塊密碼的描述 9

        6.1 加載A和B的值 9

        6.2 重申輪函數 10

        6.3 存儲A和B的值 10

        7. RC5-CBC和RC5-CBC-Pad模式的描述 11

        7.1 創建密碼對象 11

        7.2 撤消密碼對象 12

        7.3 為密碼對象設置初始向量 13

        7.5 消息的處理部分 14

        7.5.1 輸出緩衝區大小的檢查 15

        7.5.2 將明文分成塊 15

        7.6 最後塊的處理 16

        8. RC5-CTS的描述 17

        9.測試程序和向量 18

        9.1 測試程序和向量 18

        9.2 測試向量 22

        9.3 測試結果 23

        10.安全考慮 25

        11. ASN.1標識符 26

        12.參考 26

        13.作者地址 27


        這個文檔定義了四種形式的密碼算法擁有足夠的信息以確保不同實現間的協同工作能力。第一種是原始的RC5塊加密,RC5密碼使用固定的輸入長度使用一個依賴密鑰的轉換產生一個固定長度的輸出塊。第二種是,RC5-CBC,是RC5的塊密碼鏈接模式。它能處理長度是RC5塊尺寸倍數的消息。第三種是,RC5-CBC-Pad,處理任意長度的明文,盡管密文將比明文長但長度至多長一個RC5塊。RC5-CTS密碼是RC5算法的密文挪用模式,處理任意長度的明文且密文的長度匹配明文的長度。RC5密碼是1994由麻薩諸塞技術研究所的Ronald L. Rivest教授發明的。它是一種非常快速且簡單的算法由塊尺寸,輪數,和密鑰長度參數化。這些參數能被調整以滿足不同的安全目的,性能和出口能力。合並的RSA數據安全已經歸檔了RC5密碼的專利的申請和RC5,RC5-CBC,RC5-CBC-Pad,RC5-CTS並分類了各種變更。


        這個備忘錄是對存在的出版資料的重述。RC5的描述是遵從Rivest教授原始的RC5論文中的符號和解釋順序。CBC模式出現在參考著作中例如Bruce Schneier寫的。CBC-Pad模式與公鑰加密標準(PKCS #5)相同。參考C代碼被包括隻是為了清楚等同於英語的描述。密碼將以一種倒置的麵向對象的風格來解釋。首先,RC5密鑰將伴隨著密鑰擴展算法出現。接著RC5塊密碼將被解釋,最後,將規定RC5-CBC和RC5-CBC-Pad密碼。為了簡短,隻有加密過程被描述。解密可以通過轉化加密的步驟來實現。此處的麵向對象的描述應該使得實現交互性係統更加容易,盡管並不像參考文獻中的功能描述那樣簡單。有兩個對象類,密鑰和密碼算法。兩個類用同一種方式共享創建和撤消這些對象的操作確保秘密信息沒有被返回給存儲管理者。密鑰也擁有一個“set”操作拷貝一個秘密密鑰到對象。密碼對象的“set”操作定義了輪數,和初始向量。在這個備忘錄描述了對於密碼對象四個操作。綁定一個密鑰到密碼對象,為每一個密碼對象設置一個新的初始向量沒有改變密鑰,一個消息的加密部分(對於長的消息要執行多次),和處理消息的最後一個部分可以進行填充或檢查消息的長度。總之,密碼將根據這些操作被解釋:

        RC5_Key_Create - 創建一個密鑰對象.

        RC5_Key_Destroy - 撤消一個密鑰的對象.

        RC5_Key_Set - 綁定一個用戶密鑰到密鑰對象.

        RC5_CBC_Create - 創建一個密碼對象.

        RC5_CBC_Destroy - 撤消一個密碼對象.

        RC5_CBC_Encrypt_Init - 綁定一個密鑰對象到一個密碼對象.

        RC5_CBC_SetIV - 設置一個初始向量不用改變密鑰.

        RC5_CBC_Encrypt_Update - 一個消息的處理部分.

        RC5_CBC_Encrypt_Final - 消息末尾的處理.




        W 這個變量表示的是RC5以二進製位數計算的字的尺寸。是塊尺寸的一半在此備忘錄中字的尺寸采用的是32和64。

        WW 此變量是RC5以字節計算的字尺寸。

        B 此變量是以位計算的塊尺寸。是2倍的字尺寸。當RC5被用作64位的塊密碼。B是64,W是32。0<B<257。在簡單的代碼中,B被用作一個代替密碼係統參數的變量,但是這個使用應該是上下文明顯的。

        BB 此變量是以字節計算的塊尺寸。BB=B/8。

        b 這個變量是密鑰的字節長度。B0<=b<256。

        K 作為一個 b個字節長的密鑰序列,通過K[0],...,K[b-1]索引。

        R 此變量是一個內部RC5轉換的輪數。0<=R<256。

        T 此變量是一個擴展密鑰表的字數。總是2*(R+1)。 1<T<513。

        S 作為擴展密鑰表的字數組,通過S[0],..,S[T-1]索引。

        N 此變量是明文消息的字節長度。

        P 作為名文消息以一個N字節數組形式存儲,通過P[0],..,P[N-1]索引。

        C 作為密文輸出以一個字節數組形式存儲,通過C[0],C[1],...索引。

        I 作為CBC模式的初始向量以一個字節數組形式存儲,通過I[0],..,I[BB-1]索引。

        4. RC5密鑰的描述


/* RC5的用戶密鑰對像的定義. */

typedef struct rc5UserKey


int keyLength; /* In Bytes. */

unsigned char *keyBytes;

} rc5UserKey;


        4.1 創建一個RC5密鑰


/* 分配和初始化一個RC5用戶密鑰.

* 如果有問題返回0.


rc5UserKey *RC5_Key_Create ()


rc5UserKey *pKey;

pKey = (rc5UserKey *) malloc (sizeof(*pKey));

if (pKey != ((rc5UserKey *) 0))


pKey->keyLength = 0;

pKey->keyBytes = (unsigned char *) 0;


return (pKey);


        4.2 銷毀一個RC5密鑰


/* 置零且釋放一個RC5用戶密鑰.


void RC5_Key_Destroy (pKey)

rc5UserKey *pKey;


unsigned char *to;

int count;

if (pKey == ((rc5UserKey *) 0))


if (pKey->keyBytes == ((unsigned char *) 0))


to = pKey->keyBytes;

for (count = 0 ; count < pKey->keyLength ; count++)

*to++ = (unsigned char) 0;

free (pKey->keyBytes);

pKey->keyBytes = (unsigned char *) 0;

pKey->keyLength = 0;

free (pKey);

        4.3 設置一個RC5密鑰


/* 設置RC5用戶密鑰的值.

* 拷貝密鑰字節以便調用者能置零和釋放原來的值.

* 如果出現問題返回0


int RC5_Key_Set (pKey, keyLength, keyBytes)

rc5UserKey *pKey;

int keyLength;

unsigned char *keyBytes;


unsigned char *keyBytesCopy;

unsigned char *from, *to;

int count;

keyBytesCopy = (unsigned char *) malloc (keyLength);

if (keyBytesCopy == ((unsigned char *) 0))

return (0);

from = keyBytes;

to = keyBytesCopy;

for (count = 0 ; count < keyLength ; count++)

*to++ = *from++;

pKey->keyLength = count;

pKey->keyBytes = keyBytesCopy;

return (1);




/*定義 RC5 為一個 64 位塊密碼. */

/* The "unsigned int" will be 32 bits on all but */

/* the oldest compilers, which will make it 16 bits. */

/* On a DEC Alpha "unsigned long" is 64 bits, not 32. */

#define RC5_WORD unsigned int

#define W (32)

#define WW (W / 8)

#define ROT_MASK (W - 1)

#define BB ((2 * W) / 8) /* Bytes per block */

/* Define macros used in multiple procedures. */

/* These macros assumes ">>" is an unsigned operation, */

/* and that x and s are of type RC5_WORD. */

#define SHL(x,s) ((RC5_WORD)((x)<<((s)&ROT_MASK)))

#define SHR(x,s,w) ((RC5_WORD)((x)>>((w)-((s)&ROT_MASK))))

#define ROTL(x,s,w) ((RC5_WORD)(SHL((x),(s))|SHR((x),(s),(w))))

        5.1 初始常量定義





#define P16 0xb7e1

#define Q16 0x9e37

#define P32 0xb7e15163

#define Q32 0x9e3779b9

#define P64 0xb7e151628aed2a6b

#define Q64 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15

#if W == 16

#define Pw P16 /* Select 16 bit word size */

#define Qw Q16


#if W == 32

#define Pw P32 /* Select 32 bit word size */

#define Qw Q32


#if W == 64

#define Pw P64 /* Select 64 bit word size */

#define Qw Q64


        5.2 接口定義


/* Expand an RC5 user key.


void RC5_Key_Expand (b, K, R, S)

int b; /* Byte length of secret key */

char *K; /* Secret key */

int R; /* Number of rounds */

RC5_WORD *S; /* Expanded key buffer, 2*(R+1) words */


        5.3 轉換密鑰從字節到字


int i, j, k, LL, t, T;

RC5_WORD L[256/WW]; /* Based on max key size */


/* LL is number of elements used in L. */

LL = (b + WW - 1) / WW;

for (i = 0 ; i < LL ; i++) {

L[i] = 0;


for (i = 0 ; i < b ; i++) {

t = (K[i] & 0xFF) << (8*(i%4)); /* 0, 8, 16, 24*/

L[i/WW] = L[i/WW] + t;


        5.4 初始化擴展密鑰表



T = 2*(R+1);

S[0] = Pw;

for (i = 1 ; i < T ; i++) {

S[i] = S[i-1] + Qw;


        5.5 混合密鑰



i = j = 0;

A = B = 0;

if (LL > T)

k = 3 * LL; /* Secret key len > expanded key. */


k = 3 * T; /* Secret key len < expanded key. */

for ( ; k > 0 ; k--) {

A = ROTL(S[i] + A + B, 3, W);

S[i] = A;

B = ROTL(L[j] + A + B, A + B, W);

L[j] = B;

i = (i + 1) % T;

j = (j + 1) % LL;



} /* End of RC5_Key_Expand */

        6. RC5塊密碼的描述

        這部分通過解釋對一個簡單輸入塊進行加密操作的步驟來說明RC5塊密碼。解密處理與加密處理步驟相反,因此在此不對此進行解釋。RC5密碼的參數有一個版本號,V,一個輪數,R,一個以位計數的字尺寸,W。此處的描述對應RC5的原始版本(V=16 十六進製數)囊括了R的任意正值和W的值16,32和64。這一處理的輸入是密鑰擴展表,S,輪數,R,輸入緩衝區的指針,in,和輸出緩衝區的指針,out。一個可能的C代碼程序頭定義如下:

void RC5_Block_Encrypt (S, R, in, out)


int R;

char *in;

char *out;


        6.1 加載A和B的值


int i;


A = in[0] & 0xFF;

A += (in[1] & 0xFF) << 8;

A += (in[2] & 0xFF) << 16;

A += (in[3] & 0xFF) << 24;

B = in[4] & 0xFF;

B += (in[5] & 0xFF) << 8;

B += (in[6] & 0xFF) << 16;

B += (in[7] & 0xFF) << 24;

        6.2 重申輪函數



A = A + S[0];

B = B + S[1];

for (i = 1 ; i <= R ; i++) {

A = A ^ B;

A = ROTL(A, B, W) + S[2*i];

B = B ^ A;

B = ROTL(B, A, W) + S[(2*i)+1];


        6.3 存儲A和B的值


out[0] = (A >> 0) & 0xFF;

out[1] = (A >> 8) & 0xFF;

out[2] = (A >> 16) & 0xFF;

out[3] = (A >> 24) & 0xFF;

out[4] = (B >> 0) & 0xFF;

out[5] = (B >> 8) & 0xFF;

out[6] = (B >> 16) & 0xFF;

out[7] = (B >> 24) & 0xFF;


} /* End of RC5_Block_Encrypt */

        7. RC5-CBC和RC5-CBC-Pad模式的描述


        7.1 創建密碼對象


/* Definition of the RC5 CBC algorithm object.


typedef struct rc5CBCAlg


int Pad; /* 1 = RC5-CBC-Pad, 0 = RC5-CBC. */

int R; /* Number of rounds. */

RC5_WORD *S; /* Expanded key. */

unsigned char I[BB]; /* Initialization vector. */

unsigned char chainBlock[BB];

unsigned char inputBlock[BB];

int inputBlockIndex; /* Next inputBlock byte. */

} rc5CBCAlg;


/* Allocate and initialize the RC5 CBC algorithm object.

* Return 0 if problems.


rc5CBCAlg *RC5_CBC_Create (Pad, R, Version, bb, I)

int Pad; /* 1 = RC5-CBC-Pad, 0 = RC5-CBC. */

int R; /* Number of rounds. */

int Version; /* RC5 version number. */

int bb; /* Bytes per RC5 block == IV len. */

char *I; /* CBC IV, bb bytes long. */


rc5CBCAlg *pAlg;

int index;

if ((Version != RC5_FIRST_VERSION) ||

(bb != BB) || (R < 0) || (255 < R))

return ((rc5CBCAlg *) 0);

pAlg = (rc5CBCAlg *) malloc (sizeof(*pAlg));

if (pAlg == ((rc5CBCAlg *) 0))

return ((rc5CBCAlg *) 0);

pAlg->S = (RC5_WORD *) malloc (BB * (R + 1));

if (pAlg->S == ((RC5_WORD *) 0)) {

free (pAlg);

return ((rc5CBCAlg *) 0);


pAlg->Pad = Pad;

pAlg->R = R;

pAlg->inputBlockIndex = 0;

for (index = 0 ; index < BB ; index++)

pAlg->I[index] = I[index];

return (pAlg);


        7.2 撤消密碼對象


/* Zero and free an RC5 algorithm object.


void RC5_CBC_Destroy (pAlg)

rc5CBCAlg *pAlg;


RC5_WORD *to;

int count;

if (pAlg == ((rc5CBCAlg *) 0))


if (pAlg->S == ((RC5_WORD *) 0))


to = pAlg->S;

for (count = 0 ; count < (1 + pAlg->R) ; count++)


*to++ = 0; /* Two expanded key words per round. */

*to++ = 0;


free (pAlg->S);

for (count = 0 ; count < BB ; count++)


pAlg->I[count] = (unsigned char) 0;

pAlg->inputBlock[count] = (unsigned char) 0;

pAlg->chainBlock[count] = (unsigned char) 0;


pAlg->Pad = 0;

pAlg->R = 0;

pAlg->inputBlockIndex = 0;

free (pAlg);


        7.3 為密碼對象設置初始向量


/* Setup a new initialization vector for a CBC operation

* and reset the CBC object.

* This can be called after Final without needing to

* call Init or Create again.

* Return zero if problems.


int RC5_CBC_SetIV (pAlg, I)

rc5CBCAlg *pAlg;

char *I; /* CBC Initialization vector, BB bytes. */


int index;

pAlg->inputBlockIndex = 0;

for (index = 0 ; index < BB ; index++)


pAlg->I[index] = pAlg->chainBlock[index] = I[index];

pAlg->inputBlock[index] = (unsigned char) 0;


return (1);


        7.4 綁定一個密鑰到一個密碼對象


/* Initialize the encryption object with the given key.

* After this routine, the caller frees the key object.

* The IV for this CBC object can be changed by calling

* the SetIV routine. The only way to change the key is

* to destroy the CBC object and create a new one.

* Return zero if problems.


int RC5_CBC_Encrypt_Init (pAlg, pKey)

rc5CBCAlg *pAlg;

rc5UserKey *pKey;


if ((pAlg == ((rc5CBCAlg *) 0)) ||

(pKey == ((rc5UserKey *) 0)))

return (0);

RC5_Key_Expand (Key->keyLength, pKey->keyBytes,

pAlg->R, pAlg->S);

return (RC5_CBC_SetIV(pAlg, pAlg->I));


        7.5 消息的處理部分


/* Encrypt a buffer of plaintext.

* The plaintext and ciphertext buffers can be the same.

* The byte len of the ciphertext is put in *pCipherLen.

* Call this multiple times passing successive

* parts of a large message.

* After the last part has been passed to Update,

* call Final.

* Return zero if problems like output buffer too small.


int RC5_CBC_Encrypt_Update (pAlg, N, P,

pCipherLen, maxCipherLen, C)

rc5CBCAlg *pAlg; /* Cipher algorithm object. */

int N; /* Byte length of P. */

char *P; /* Plaintext buffer. */

int *pCipherLen;/* Gets byte len of C. */

int maxCipherLen; /* Size of C. */

char *C; /* Ciphertext buffer. */


        7.5.1 輸出緩衝區大小的檢查


int plainIndex, cipherIndex, j;

/* Check size of the output buffer. */

if (maxCipherLen < (((pAlg->inputBlockIndex+N)/BB)*BB))


*pCipherLen = 0;

return (0);


        7.5.2 將明文分成塊


plainIndex = cipherIndex = 0;

while (plainIndex < N)


if (pAlg->inputBlockIndex < BB)



= P[plainIndex];




if (pAlg->inputBlockIndex == BB)

{ /* Have a complete input block, process it. */

pAlg->inputBlockIndex = 0;

for (j = 0 ; j < BB ; j++)

{ /* XOR in the chain block. */

pAlg->inputBlock[j] = pAlg->inputBlock[j]

^ pAlg->chainBlock[j];


RC5_Block_Encrypt(pAlg->S, pAlg->R



for (j = 0 ; j < BB ; j++)

{ /* Output the ciphertext. */

C[cipherIndex] = pAlg->chainBlock[j];





*pCipherLen = cipherIndex;

return (1);

} /* End of RC5_CBC_Encrypt_Update */

        7.6 最後塊的處理


/* Produce the final block of ciphertext including any

* padding, and then reset the algorithm object.

* Return zero if problems.


int RC5_CBC_Encrypt_Final (pAlg, pCipherLen, maxCipherLen, C)

rc5CBCAlg *pAlg;

int *pCipherLen; /* Gets byte len of C. */

int maxCipherLen; /* Len of C buffer. */

char *C; /* Ciphertext buffer. */


int cipherIndex, j;

int padLength;

/* For non-pad mode error if input bytes buffered. */

*pCipherLen = 0;

if ((pAlg->Pad == 0) && (pAlg->inputBlockIndex != 0))

return (0);

if (pAlg->Pad == 0)

return (1);

if (maxCipherLen < BB)

return (0);

padLength = BB - pAlg->inputBlockIndex;

for (j = 0 ; j < padLength ; j++)



= (unsigned char) padLength;



for (j = 0 ; j < BB ; j++)

{ /* XOR the chain block into the plaintext block. */

pAlg->inputBlock[j] = pAlg->inputBlock[j]

^ pAlg->chainBlock[j];


RC5_Block_Encrypt(pAlg->S, pAlg->R,

pAlg->inputBlock, pAlg->chainBlock);

cipherIndex = 0;

for (j = 0 ; j < BB ; j++)

{ /* Output the ciphertext. */

C[cipherIndex] = pAlg->chainBlock[j];



*pCipherLen = cipherIndex;

/* Reset the CBC algorithm object. */

return (RC5_CBC_SetIV(pAlg, pAlg->I));

} /* End of RC5_CBC_Encrypt_Final */

        8. RC5-CTS的描述


        1、 異或Pn-1和以前的密文塊,Cn-2,創建Xn-1。

        2、 加密Xn-1得En-1。

        3、 選擇En-1的前Ln個字節創建Cn。

        4、 在Pn末尾用0填充Pn創建長度為BB的P。

        5、 異或En-1和P創建Dn。

        6、 加密Dn得Cn-1。

        7、 密文的最後兩部分分別為Cn-1和Cn。



        1、 解密Cn得Dn。

        2、 在末尾用0填充Cn創建長度為BB的C。

        3、 將Dn和C相異或得Xn。

        4、 選擇Xn的前Ln個字節創建Pn。

        5、 將Xn尾部的BB-Ln個字節添加到Cn得En。

        6、 解密En得Pn-1。

        7、 明文的最後兩個部分分別是Pn-1和Pn。



        9.1 測試程序和向量



#define BLOCK_LENGTH (8 /* bytes */)

#define MAX_KEY_LENGTH (64 /* bytes */)

#define MAX_PLAIN_LENGTH (128 /* bytes */)


#define MAX_ROUNDS (20)

#define MAX_S_LENGTH (2 * (MAX_ROUNDS + 1))

typedef struct test_vector


int padding_mode;

int rounds;

char keytext[2*MAX_KEY_LENGTH+1];

int key_length;

char key[MAX_KEY_LENGTH];

char ivtext[2*BLOCK_LENGTH+1];

int iv_length;

char iv[BLOCK_LENGTH];

char plaintext[2*MAX_PLAIN_LENGTH+1];

int plain_length;

char plain[MAX_PLAIN_LENGTH];

char ciphertext[2*MAX_CIPHER_LENGTH+1];

int cipher_length;

char cipher[MAX_CIPHER_LENGTH];


} test_vector;

void show_banner()


(void) printf("RC5 CBC Tester.\n");

(void) printf("Each input line should contain the following\n");

(void) printf("test parameters separated by a single space:\n");

(void) printf("- Padding mode flag. Use 1 for RC5_CBC_Pad, else


(void) printf("- Number of rounds for RC5.\n");

(void) printf("- Key bytes in hexadecimal. Two characters per

byte like '01'.\n");

(void) printf("- IV bytes in hexadecimal. Must be 16 hex


(void) printf("- Plaintext bytes in hexadecimal.\n");

(void) printf("An end of file or format error terminates the


(void) printf("\n");


/* Convert a buffer from ascii hex to bytes.

* Set pTo_length to the byte length of the result.

* Return 1 if everything went OK.


int hex_to_bytes (from, to, pTo_length)

char *from, *to;

int *pTo_length;


char *pHex; /* Ptr to next hex character. */

char *pByte; /* Ptr to next resulting byte. */

int byte_length = 0;

int value;

pByte = to;

for (pHex = from ; *pHex != 0 ; pHex += 2) {

if (1 != sscanf(pHex, "%02x", &value))

return (0);

*pByte++ = ((char)(value & 0xFF));



*pTo_length = byte_length;

return (1);


/* Convert a buffer from bytes to ascii hex.

* Return 1 if everything went OK.


int bytes_to_hex (from, from_length, to)

char *from, *to;

int from_length;


char *pHex; /* Ptr to next hex character. */

char *pByte; /* Ptr to next resulting byte. */

int value;

pHex = to;

for (pByte = from ; from_length > 0 ; from_length--) {

value = *pByte++ & 0xFF;

(void) sprintf(pHex, "%02x", value);

pHex += 2;


return (1);


/* Return 1 if get a valid test vector. */

int get_test_vector(ptv)

test_vector *ptv;


if (1 != scanf("%d", &ptv->padding_mode))

return (0);

if (1 != scanf("%d", &ptv->rounds))

return (0);

if ((ptv->rounds < 0) || (MAX_ROUNDS < ptv->rounds))

return (0);

if (1 != scanf("%s", &ptv->keytext))

return (0);

if (1 != hex_to_bytes(ptv->keytext, ptv->key,


return (0);

if (1 != scanf("%s", &ptv->ivtext))

return (0);

if (1 != hex_to_bytes(ptv->ivtext, ptv->iv,


return (0);

if (BLOCK_LENGTH != ptv->iv_length)

return (0);

if (1 != scanf("%s", &ptv->plaintext))

return (0);

if (1 != hex_to_bytes(ptv->plaintext, ptv->plain,


return (0);

return (1);


void run_test (ptv)

test_vector *ptv;


rc5UserKey *pKey;

rc5CBCAlg *pAlg;

int numBytesOut;

pKey = RC5_Key_Create ();

RC5_Key_Set (pKey, ptv->key_length, ptv->key);

pAlg = RC5_CBC_Create (ptv->padding_mode,





(void) RC5_CBC_Encrypt_Init (pAlg, pKey);

ptv->cipher_length = 0;

(void) RC5_CBC_Encrypt_Update (pAlg,

ptv->plain_length, ptv->plain,


MAX_CIPHER_LENGTH - ptv->cipher_length,


ptv->cipher_length += numBytesOut;

(void) RC5_CBC_Encrypt_Final (pAlg,


MAX_CIPHER_LENGTH - ptv->cipher_length,


ptv->cipher_length += numBytesOut;

bytes_to_hex (ptv->cipher, ptv->cipher_length,


RC5_Key_Destroy (pKey);

RC5_CBC_Destroy (pAlg);


void show_results (ptv)

test_vector *ptv;


if (ptv->padding_mode)

printf ("RC5_CBC_Pad ");


printf ("RC5_CBC ");

printf ("R = %2d ", ptv->rounds);

printf ("Key = %s ", ptv->keytext);

printf ("IV = %s ", ptv->ivtext);

printf ("P = %s ", ptv->plaintext);

printf ("C = %s", ptv->ciphertext);

printf ("\n");


int main(argc, argv)

int argc;

char *argv[];


test_vector tv;

test_vector *ptv = &tv;


while (get_test_vector(ptv)) {




return (0);


        9.2 測試向量


0 00 00 0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0 00 00 0000000000000000 ffffffffffffffff

0 00 00 0000000000000001 0000000000000000

0 00 00 0000000000000000 0000000000000001

0 00 00 0102030405060708 1020304050607080

0 01 11 0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0 02 00 0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0 02 00000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0 08 00 0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0 08 00 0102030405060708 1020304050607080

0 12 00 0102030405060708 1020304050607080

0 16 00 0102030405060708 1020304050607080

0 08 01020304 0000000000000000 ffffffffffffffff

0 12 01020304 0000000000000000 ffffffffffffffff

0 16 01020304 0000000000000000 ffffffffffffffff

0 12 0102030405060708 0000000000000000 ffffffffffffffff

0 08 0102030405060708 0102030405060708 1020304050607080

0 12 0102030405060708 0102030405060708 1020304050607080

0 16 0102030405060708 0102030405060708 1020304050607080

0 08 01020304050607081020304050607080

0102030405060708 1020304050607080

0 12 01020304050607081020304050607080

0102030405060708 1020304050607080

0 16 01020304050607081020304050607080

0102030405060708 1020304050607080

0 12 0102030405 0000000000000000 ffffffffffffffff

0 08 0102030405 0000000000000000 ffffffffffffffff

0 08 0102030405 7875dbf6738c6478 0808080808080808

1 08 0102030405 0000000000000000 ffffffffffffffff

0 08 0102030405 0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0 08 0102030405 7cb3f1df34f94811 1122334455667701

1 08 0102030405 0000000000000000


        9.3 測試結果


        RC5 CBC 測試器。








RC5_CBC R = 0 Key = 00 IV = 0000000000000000

P = 0000000000000000 C = 7a7bba4d79111d1e

RC5_CBC R = 0 Key = 00 IV = 0000000000000000

P = ffffffffffffffff C = 797bba4d78111d1e

RC5_CBC R = 0 Key = 00 IV = 0000000000000001

P = 0000000000000000 C = 7a7bba4d79111d1f

RC5_CBC R = 0 Key = 00 IV = 0000000000000000

P = 0000000000000001 C = 7a7bba4d79111d1f

RC5_CBC R = 0 Key = 00 IV = 0102030405060708

P = 1020304050607080 C = 8b9ded91ce7794a6

RC5_CBC R = 1 Key = 11 IV = 0000000000000000

P = 0000000000000000 C = 2f759fe7ad86a378

RC5_CBC R = 2 Key = 00 IV = 0000000000000000

P = 0000000000000000 C = dca2694bf40e0788

RC5_CBC R = 2 Key = 00000000 IV = 0000000000000000

P = 0000000000000000 C = dca2694bf40e0788

RC5_CBC R = 8 Key = 00 IV = 0000000000000000

P = 0000000000000000 C = dcfe098577eca5ff

RC5_CBC R = 8 Key = 00 IV = 0102030405060708

P = 1020304050607080 C = 9646fb77638f9ca8

RC5_CBC R = 12 Key = 00 IV = 0102030405060708

P = 1020304050607080 C = b2b3209db6594da4

RC5_CBC R = 16 Key = 00 IV = 0102030405060708

P = 1020304050607080 C = 545f7f32a5fc3836

RC5_CBC R = 8 Key = 01020304 IV = 0000000000000000

P = ffffffffffffffff C = 8285e7c1b5bc7402

RC5_CBC R = 12 Key = 01020304 IV = 0000000000000000

P = ffffffffffffffff C = fc586f92f7080934

RC5_CBC R = 16 Key = 01020304 IV = 0000000000000000

P = ffffffffffffffff C = cf270ef9717ff7c4

RC5_CBC R = 12 Key = 0102030405060708 IV = 0000000000000000

P = ffffffffffffffff C = e493f1c1bb4d6e8c

RC5_CBC R = 8 Key = 0102030405060708 IV = 0102030405060708

P = 1020304050607080 C = 5c4c041e0f217ac3

RC5_CBC R = 12 Key = 0102030405060708 IV = 0102030405060708

P = 1020304050607080 C = 921f12485373b4f7

RC5_CBC R = 16 Key = 0102030405060708 IV = 0102030405060708

P = 1020304050607080 C = 5ba0ca6bbe7f5fad

RC5_CBC R = 8 Key = 01020304050607081020304050607080

IV = 0102030405060708

P = 1020304050607080 C = c533771cd0110e63

RC5_CBC R = 12 Key = 01020304050607081020304050607080

IV = 0102030405060708

P = 1020304050607080 C = 294ddb46b3278d60

RC5_CBC R = 16 Key = 01020304050607081020304050607080

IV = 0102030405060708

P = 1020304050607080 C = dad6bda9dfe8f7e8

RC5_CBC R = 12 Key = 0102030405 IV = 0000000000000000

P = ffffffffffffffff C = 97e0787837ed317f

RC5_CBC R = 8 Key = 0102030405 IV = 0000000000000000

P = ffffffffffffffff C = 7875dbf6738c6478

RC5_CBC R = 8 Key = 0102030405 IV = 7875dbf6738c6478

P = 0808080808080808 C = 8f34c3c681c99695

RC5_CBC_Pad R = 8 Key = 0102030405 IV = 0000000000000000

P = ffffffffffffffff C = 7875dbf6738c64788f34c3c681c99695

RC5_CBC R = 8 Key = 0102030405 IV = 0000000000000000

P = 0000000000000000 C = 7cb3f1df34f94811

RC5_CBC R = 8 Key = 0102030405 IV = 7cb3f1df34f94811

P = 1122334455667701 C = 7fd1a023a5bba217

RC5_CBC_Pad R = 8 Key = 0102030405 IV = 0000000000000000

P = ffffffffffffffff7875dbf6738c647811223344556677

C = 7875dbf6738c64787cb3f1df34f948117fd1a023a5bba217







        11. ASN.1標識符


AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {


parameters ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL


The values for the algorithm field are:



{ iso (1) member-body (2) US (840) rsadsi (113549)

encryptionAlgorithm (3) RC5CBC (8) }



{ iso (1) member-body (2) US (840) rsadsi (113549)

encryptionAlgorithm (3) RC5CBCPAD (9) }

The structure of the parameters field for these algorithms is given

below. NOTE: if the iv field is not included, then the

initialization vector defaults to a block of zeros whose size depends

on the blockSizeInBits field.

RC5_CBC_Parameters ::= SEQUENCE {

version INTEGER (v1_0(16)),

rounds INTEGER (8..127),

blockSizeInBits INTEGER (64, 128),




[1] Kaliski, Burton S., and Yinqun Lisa Yin, "On Differential and

Linear Cryptanalysis of the RC5 Encryption Algorithm", In Advances

in Cryptology - Crypto '95, pages 171-184, Springer-Verlag, New

York, 1995.

[2] Rivest, Ronald L., "The RC5 Encryption Algorithm", In

Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Fast Software

Encryption, pages 86-96, Leuven Belgium, December 1994.

[3] Rivest, Ronald L., "RC5 Encryption Algorithm", In Dr. Dobbs

Journal, number 226, pages 146-148, January 1995.

[4] Rivest, Ronald L., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC1321.

[5] RSA Laboratories, "Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS)",RSA Data Security Inc. See ftp.rsa.com.

[6] Schneier, Bruce, "Applied Cryptography", Second Edition, JohnWiley and Sons, New York, 1996. Errata: on page 195, line 13, thereference number should be [402].

[7] Business Software Alliance, Matt Blaze et al., "Minimum KeyLength for Symmetric Ciphers to Provide Adequate CommercialSecurity", http://www.bsa.org/bsa/cryptologists.html.

[8] RSA Data Security Inc., "RC5 Reference Code in C", See the website: www.rsa.com, for availability. Not available with the firstdraft of this document.


Robert W. Baldwin

RSA Data Security, Inc.

100 Marine Parkway

Redwood City, CA 94065

phones: (415) 595-8782

Fax: (415) 595-1873

EMail: baldwin@rsa.com, or baldwin@lcs.mit.edu

Ronald L. Rivest

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Laboratory for Computer Science


545 Technology Square

Cambridge, MA 02139-1986

phones: (617) 253-5880

EMail: rivest@theory.lcs.mit.edu

RFC2040——The RC5, RC5-CBC, RC5-CBC-Pad, and RC5-CTS Algorithms


